We are asking each player to sell 10 cards at $20 each. These are an easy sell as people around Wetaskiwin are often searching them out. Last year we didn't sell them so they will be excited to see them again this year. $10 for each card comes back to the club for us to spend on new equipment and maintenance of our building.
We will be selling cards starting after the September long weekend until after Thanksgiving weekend. If you sell your 10 cards and would like more please ask your manager. The more we sell the more money that comes back to our club!
The player that sells the most cards will receive a $200 gift card of their choice. The player that sells the second most will receive a $100 gift card of their choice.
On October 17th 5:00 - 6:30pm we will do a selling Blitz where we will go door to door to sell off the final cards. Following the Blitz and before practice there will be a Tailgate where we will supply drinks and hotdogs. We ask that all players attend to sell off the remainder of the tickets. We still have 3 boxes of cards to be sold off.
CDMFA Female Combine
Foote Field Edmonton 11601-68 ave
CDMFA Female U19 football Combine